Suodenniemi-week 2023
Program during the Suodenniemi weeks 31.6.-9.7.2023 Art residency SäVäri Program during Suodenniemi week 30.6. - 9 July 2023 More information about the events: korentoart.fi and Instagram @ taideresidenssi_savari Payment methods are cash or MobilePay. Address: Hako-ojantie 25, 38510 Sastamala
FRIDAY 30.6. 6 PM - 8 PM The opening of the KeSäVäri art exhibition in the elementary school hall. Pancake bar open. Welcome!
SATURDAY 1.7. 3 PM - 6 PM Art exhibition and pancake bar open at the elementary school.
SUNDAY 2.7. 1 PM - Approx. 1:35 PM The clowns Albertiina and Hubert want to become big world stars, but how do they do it? The audience comes to the rescue and the world's finest circus show is ready! Tickets €10/person. For the whole family. Elementary school hall. The pancake bar is open after the show until 4 p.m.
TUESDAY 4.7. 3 PM - 5 PM Art exhibition and pancake bar open at elementary school. 5 PM - 7 PM Community low-threshold Macrame workshop for all ages. Registration 2.7. by makela.mirjami@gmail.com. Material fee €5/person. Elementary school/SäVäri yard district.
WEDNESDAY 5.7. 3 to 6 p.m
Art exhibition and pancake bar open in lower school.
16 - approx. 17 Saunanhenki - puppet theater performance max 15 min, after which you can stay in the sauna for approx. an hour. Price €5/voluntary support fee. Accommodates 8 people. Mixed sauna with swim suits on.
THURSDAY 6.7. 6 PM - 9 PM A night of poetry. Let's free the texts from the table drawer and sit down by the art of words! Art exhibition and pancake bar open during poetry evening at elementary school.
FRIDAY 7.7 6 PM - 7 PM Juuso Saarinen's Piano Concerto. In the elementary school hall. Voluntary support payment. 5 PM - 7:30 PM Pancake bar open.
SATURDAY 8.7. 3 PM - 6 PM PESÄ - The aerial acrobatics piece taking place in the forest of Säväri is inspired by the sounds of nature and the song of birds. Departure from SäVäri's yard and the performance outside. Voluntary support payment MobilePay. 3 PM - 6 PM Art exhibition and pancake bar open at the elementary school. Hertta-Berta face paintings and glitter tattoos, €2 - €5/piece.
SUNDAY 9.7. 1 PM - Approx. 1:35 PM
Hertta Bertta and the runaways from the zoo is a children's orchestra, where the theme and lyrics of the songs are born from the world of children and adults of the neuro spectrum. Elementary school hall. After the concert, a workshop where the themes of the songs are discussed through music and physical theater techniques with a playful touch. Workshop duration 45 min. Tickets: €10 concert // €10 workshop // €15 both
AT approx. 1:35 PM - 6:00 PM Pancake bar open. After the workshop, face paintings and glitter tattoos by Hertta-Berta, €2 - €5/piece
Unfortunately, our facilities are not barrier-free, but we strive to enable everyone to participate. Contact us to solve the obstacles:
tel. 041-511 6853 / korentoartofficial@gmail.com